lysa jordan lysa jordan

Fun art supplies & books for spring

As the vibrant hues of spring emerge, they breathe life into our creative spirits, igniting a renewed sense of inspiration. Whether we're immersed in the pages of a captivating book beneath blossoming trees or expressing ourselves through art, the allure of creative expression becomes irresistible. Spring unfolds as a season of boundless creativity, where fresh narratives blossom like flowers in a garden.

Personally, I've been meticulously preparing new watercolors, eagerly anticipating the creation of art prints to celebrate the beauty of spring. I'm excited to share these prints with you soon!

Here are a few of my favorite art supplies and books to revel in the spirit of spring:


Spring Cannot be Cancelled

is a poignant reflection by David Hockney, capturing the resilience and vitality of the season amidst challenging times. In his book,he celebrates the enduring beauty of spring, emphasizing its unstoppable force of renewal and hope. Through vibrant artworks and insightful observations, he reminds us that even in moments of uncertainty, nature's cycle persists, offering solace and inspiration. I LOVED it.


Painting Watercolor Botanicals

is a comprehensive guidebook that delves into the techniques and nuances of painting botanical subjects in watercolor. The book covers various aspects of botanical illustration, including selecting subjects, mastering watercolor techniques, and creating compositions that capture the beauty and essence of plants and flowers.


Art Supplies & Other fun things

As spring breathes new life into the world around us, it's the perfect time to infuse your creative endeavors with fresh inspiration !



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lysa jordan lysa jordan

Watercolor Gift Guide

Looking for the perfect gift for the watercolor enthusiast in your life? Look no further! Here is a comprehensive gift guide that offers a range of options sure to inspire and delight any watercolor artist.

Watercolor Paint Set

Every artist needs a quality set of watercolor paints. Consider gifting a professional-grade watercolor paint set that offers a wide range of colors and high pigmentation.

Watercolor Brushes

Investing in a set of high-quality watercolor brushes can make a significant difference in an artist's work.

Watercolor Paper

Watercolor paper is specially designed to absorb water and paint, allowing for better color blending and durability. Consider gifting a pad or a block of watercolor paper made from 100% cotton, as it offers superior quality and texture.

Watercolor Sketchbook

A watercolor sketchbook is a wonderful gift for artists who enjoy capturing their surroundings on-the-go. Look for sketchbooks specifically designed for watercolor painting, with heavy-duty paper that can withstand wet washes.

Watercolor Books

Books on watercolor techniques and inspirations make thoughtful gifts for artists looking to expand their knowledge. Look for books that offer step-by-step tutorials, insights from renowned watercolorists, and stunning examples of watercolor paintings. These books can serve as valuable sources of inspiration and instruction.

Watercolor Paintings

Watercolor paintings possess a distinct charm that seamlessly blends vibrant colors and delicate brush strokes. The translucent nature of watercolors adds depth and a sense of ethereal beauty to any subject matter. Due to their delicate and versatile nature, watercolor paintings can effortlessly harmonize with a variety of interior designs. By purchasing a watercolor painting, you directly contribute to the livelihood of artists and the preservation of this remarkable art form. Artists pour their hearts and souls into their creations, and investing in their work not only supports their talent but also encourages them to continue producing beautiful artworks for the world to enjoy.

Juin mon amour
from CA$63.00
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New paintings, autumn and fun supplies

As the crisp air descends, the world transforms into a canvas of warmth and richness. I’ve been preparing a new series of work that will be available soon to celebrate this new season. Here are a few snippets of my studio lately. 🍂🎨

They are filled with energy, light & color. I think I needed to express that. I am still in the process of understanding but it's been really fun and interesting!

I’ve also created a new large painting that is currently available. This new abstract painting is filled with life, emanating a palpable sense of vitality. Swirls of electric blue and touches of soft pink intertwine with bursts of lush green. The composition invites you to get lost in the whirlwind of hues and textures.

‘Bring her with you’ 36x48 inches.



These supplies have become my constant companions in my creative journey lately.


Finally, here are a few art prints that I feel are connected with this new season.

Mon rayon
from CA$63.00

I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend. xx

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Aquarelle 101 lysa jordan Aquarelle 101 lysa jordan

Favorite paper - Watercolor

When it comes to choosing watercolor paper, there are a few important factors to consider.

First and foremost, you'll want to look for paper that is specifically designed for watercolor painting. This type of paper is typically labeled as watercolor paper or cold-press paper. It is made to absorb water well, allowing the watercolors to spread and blend beautifully.

Next, it's important to consider the weight of the paper. The weight of watercolor paper is measured in pounds per ream (lb), and a higher weight generally indicates a thicker and more durable paper. Depending on your preference and budget, you can choose between lighter-weight papers, such as 90 lb or 140 lb, or heavier-weight papers like 300 lb. Additionally, you might want to consider the texture of the paper. Watercolor papers can have either a smooth, hot-press texture or a slightly rough, cold-press texture. Cold-press paper is more commonly used as it holds the paint and water better, allowing for more intricate details and textures. Finally, it's always a good idea to test out different brands and types of watercolor paper to see which one suits your personal style and needs the best.

My favorite watercolor paper is the Arches Cold Pressed Watercolor Paper. It has a beautiful texture that adds depth and character to my paintings. The paper is made from 100% cotton, which gives it a sturdy and reliable feel. The cold-pressed surface allows the paint to flow smoothly and retain vibrant colors. I also appreciate that this paper is acid-free, making it archival and long-lasting. Overall, the Arches Cold Pressed Watercolor Paper is a high-quality option that I love to use. 

In addition to Arches, you can consider a few other excellent watercolor paper options. One popular choice is Fabriano Artistico, which offers a reliable and high-quality surface that holds watercolor well. Its smooth texture makes it ideal for detailed work and it comes in various weights and finishes to suit different preferences. Another great alternative is Strathmore known for its durability and ability to handle multiple layers of paint without tearing or warping. Its rough and/or hot-pressed versions afford different textures and are favored by many artists. Lastly, Canson is a more affordable option that still provides good quality watercolor paper, available in different sizes, weight, and textures to meet artists' needs and preferences. Overall, these options broaden the choices for artists seeking dependable alternatives to Arches.

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Aquarelle 101 lysa jordan Aquarelle 101 lysa jordan

Foxgloves - Tutorial

A few days ago I saw a majestic foxglove in a neighbor’s garden. It was standing gracefully amidst the flowers with its delicate bells. I felt compelled to capture the beauty of the foxglove on paper, using my set of watercolor paints. I used a blend of purples and pinks on my palette.

How to Paint Foxgloves with Watercolor
Watercolor is a versatile and beautiful medium for capturing the delicate and vibrant nature of flowers. Foxgloves, with their tall spires and bell-shaped blooms, are particularly captivating subjects for watercolor painting. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, here is a step-by-step guide on how to paint foxgloves with watercolor.

Materials Needed:

  • Water container

  • Paper towels or a clean cloth

Step 1: Observe and Sketch

Begin by studying references or real foxgloves to understand their shape, structure, and color variations. Pay attention to the curving stems and the arrangement of the bell-shaped flowers.

Once you have a good understanding, you can make a rough sketch of the foxgloves on your watercolor paper. Keep the lines light and loose, focusing on capturing the basic shapes and proportions.

Step 2: Paint the Stems and Leaves

Use a thin brush to carefully paint the stems. Allow the paint to flow and taper naturally to imitate the slender stems. Next, move on to painting the leaves. Use a mixture of green and yellow, adding variations in tone to create depth. Paint the leaves with broad brushstrokes, capturing their wavy edges and jagged texture.

Step 3: Paint the Flowers

Now it's time to bring those beautiful foxglove blossoms to life. Begin by mixing a variety of pinks and purples, creating different shades and tones for each flower. Start with the darkest shade at the base of the bell-shaped flowers and gradually lighten the color using water. You can add details using pens and other mediums. I added details with markers and a black fine pen.

Have fun xx


Note * My original watercolor is available here

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lysa jordan lysa jordan

New watercolors - Abstract Floral paintings


I’ve been creating floral paintings lately with vibrant colors and broader brush strokes. At first glance, the paintings appear to be just a chaotic mix of lines and blobs. But as one looks closer, the shapes and colors start to form distinct patterns of blooming flowers: delicate petals, lush leaves, and swirling stems.

The paintings capture a garden of flowers dancing in the breeze. And in the end, it is not just a painting but a living, breathing collage of emotions, memories, and dreams.

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